Duyurular  »  Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti'ndeki İhaleler Hakkında
01 Ocak 2024 -

Sayın Üyemiz,

Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliğinden Odamıza iletilen 27.12.2023 tarih ve 13957 sayılı yazıda; Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti Ticaret Müşavirliği'nden alınan yazı ilgide tutularak ve Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti'nin İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu Mısır Ticaret Bürosundan gelen yazılar kapsamında, Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti Ulaştırma Bakanlığı, Mısır Ulusal Demiryolları(ENR) ve Lojistik Merkezi İdaresi tarafından açılan aşağıdaki iki ihale hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.

Bilginize sunarız.


Turgutlu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası

External public tender accordance with the decree concerning regulation contracts in ENR

Reference No

302 G8 /349


SUPPLY OF 10000 Wooden sleeper Pitch pine or equivalent with different dimensions

Price of the tender documents

LE 3100

Provisional deposit amounts to

(10000 USD)

Date of receipt of qualification documents

17/1/2024 at 12 p.m.

Contact details

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fax No: (202) 257 61 337

This is in accordance with the conditions described in the bidding document, which can be obtained from the aforementioned department, and the offering documents can also be viewed on the public contracting portal website. free of charge (https://etenders.gov.eg )

External public tender (First Stage) according to the procedures and rules of procurement of the World Bank

Reference No



Expressing interest in providing Consulting services for the “integrator and Works supervisor” of a “Signal Reponsibility contract for plant, design, suplly, installation, factory acceptance testing and testing & commissioning of a new signaling system, including all related components on Cairo-Alexandria Trade Logistic Development Project- three separate lots

Price of the tender documents

Free of charge

Date of receipt of qualification documents

15/02/2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Advertisement link & contact details


[email protected] / [email protected]

Fax no: (202) 257 61 337

This is in accordance with the conditions described in the initial selected document, which can be obtained from the administration mentioned above and the document can also be viewed on the public contracting portal website, free of charge (https://etenders.gov.eg )

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