News  »  About extending VERBIS registration periods

According to the information obtained from the Personal Data Protection Agency, the period of fulfillment of the obligation to register in the registry is arranged as follows by the institution on the grounds that there are difficulties in fulfilling the obligation to register in the Registry (Registry).

· Data managers of natural and legal persons with an annual number of employees more than 50 or an annual financial balance of more than 25 million rubles, as well as data managers of natural and legal persons residing abroad, for the period set for fulfilling the obligation to register in the Register to 31.12.2021,

· The number of employees per year is less than 50 and the annual financial balance is less than 25 million rubles, and the period set for data managers of natural and legal persons whose main activity is special-quality personal data processing to fulfill the obligation to register in the registry is 31.12.2021,

· It has been decided to extend the period set by public institutions and organizations and data managers of a professional organization that is a public institution until 31.12.2021 to fulfill their obligation to register in the Register.

The website for our interested councillors is below.ıcerik/6903/verbıs-e-kayıt-surelerının-uzatılması-hakkında-duyuru

Best regards.

Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry