With the countries of the European Union in the framework of the Customs Union which is used in preferential trade. Industrial and processed agricultural products export and import customs tax exemption provides.
5174 law in line with Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Association, ATR Movement Certificates? S, 01.06.2001 date, 24,419 numbered in the Official Gazette published ATR Movement Certificates according to Regulation edition and is a member of B to the distribution, making exporters of these documents provide access to the , the problems encountered, the related public institutions and organizations, in consultation with solves.
By Undersecretariat of Customs of the principles proposed in the framework of ATR movement certificate sale and approval processes regarding our rooms by the common practice of making a serious recording and control systems in order to form our Union, Undersecretariat of Customs and B made ??by our joint work prepared at the end? ATR Movement Certificates Sales and approval of the Procedures and Principles? Began to be implemented as of 02/02/2009. Concerned? Principles and Procedures? Revised on 16.05.2011.
In this context, Birliğimiz in all of our rooms are suitable for use in a way, internet-enabled web-based software program, as well as their software using the program who wish to continue to our rooms, instant sending data necessary to comply with Web services is prepared.
Birliğimiz, the ATR movement certificates and the approval authority of the sale, the automation program and providing related infrastructure and equipment? ATR Movement Certificates and Approval of the Procedures and Principles of Selling? With programs in the fields of automation by our Association who attended the training were given to 184 rooms.
In 2011, the team of 5 nüshalık by TOBB 1199100, 330250 team Simplified Sum (3 nüshalık) totaling 1,529,350 team of ATR Movement Certificates were sold to the rooms.
- ?Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği tarafından bastırılan A.TR Dolaşım Belgelerinin Satış ve Onayına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar (16.05.2011)
- A.TR Dolaşım Belgesi Satış ve Onayı için Yetkilendirilen Odaların Listesi
- A.TR Dolaşım Belgesi Örneği (Normal Usul)
- A.TR Dolaşım Belgesi Örneği (Basitleştirilmiş Usul)
- ?Türkiye ile Avrupa Toplluğu Arasında Oluşturulan Gümrük Birliği?nin Uygulanmasına İlişkin Esaslar Hakkında Karar?