HABERLER  »  Visit to Aydin, president of TUTSO, from Kocatürk College

Visit to Aydin, president of TUTSO, from Kocatürk College

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Faruk Aydin, private Kocatürk college representatives visited.
Celal Can Kocatürk, founding representative of Kocatürk educational institutions, Gulay Engin, General Director of Turgutlu branch of the newly inaugurated private Kocatürk College, and Dream Sycamore, President of the PTA, visited Faruk Aydin, chairman of the board of TUTSO.
During the visit, Gulay Engin, General Director of the Turgutlu branch of the private Kocatürk College, gave information to President Aydin about his work and projects.
TUTSO Chairman Faruk Aydin expressed his satisfaction with the visit and wished him success in his work.