HABERLER  »  MHP Group Deputy Chairman Erkan Akçay'DAN TUTSO Assembly Speaker Yavuz Semizler visit

MHP Group Deputy Chairman Erkan Akçay'DAN TUTSO Assembly Speaker Yavuz Semizler visit

Erkan Akçay, Deputy Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) group, visited Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TUTSO).
MHP Group Deputy Chairman Erkan Akçay, Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Assembly Chairman Yavuz Semizler visited his office.
About the work of Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, MHP Group Deputy Chairman Erkan Akçay gave information to Tutso Assembly Chairman Yavuz Semizler, Registered Members of the chamber and the difficulties they experienced by communicating their visit thanked.
During the visit, MHP Turgutlu District President Gürhan Bostan and his administration, MHP Turgutlu women's arms management and TUTSO councillors took part.