HABERLER  »  TUTSO Chairman Faruk Aydin celebrates Police Week

TUTSO Chairman Faruk Aydin celebrates Police Week

176 Of The Turkish Police Force. Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TUTSO) Chairman Faruk Aydin, who attended the ceremonies held in our district due to the anniversary of the foundation, said:” If we can live and sleep comfortably and peacefully, one of the biggest shareholders in this is our police officers."​
Aydin: "the service of our esteemed police officers, who consider the peace of their people an occasion of pride and honor, without saying Day and night, ignoring their lives, can never be ignored. We have to support and take care of our police, who have difficult tasks such as ensuring public safety throughout the country, preventing crime, bringing criminals to justice. Let's not forget that their existence means the safety of us and our family. On behalf of our business world with these feelings and thoughts, I congratulate the 176th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish police organization and wish the continuation of achievements," he said.