HABERLER  »  TUTSO Held the Regular Parliamentary Meeting in July

TUTSO Held the Regular Parliamentary Meeting in July

July 27, 2021 -

Aydin; "I invite everyone to be sensitive about vaccination"

Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TUTSO), the ordinary parliamentary meeting of July 2021 was held in accordance with the coronavirus (COVID-19) measures.

The ordinary assembly of July, which was held in the assembly hall of the Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, began with the opening speech of Yavuz Semizler, the Chairman of the TUTSO Assembly.

Yavuz Semizli, the speaker of the Assembly, who began his remarks by celebrating the past Eid of the members of the Parliament and the entire Islamic world, invited everyone to get coronavirus vaccines.

The minutes of the assembly of June 2021 were read and approved in the parliament. The approval of the layout ruler for June 2021 was unanimously adopted.

TUTSO Chairman of the Board of Directors Faruk Aydin, who made a statement in the explanations section of the board of directors, provided information about the work of the room.

Aydin, "I invite everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible"

Faruk Aydin, chairman of the board of directors of the Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said, "First of all, I want to start my remarks by celebrating everyone's past Eid al-Adha. As a business community, we are undergoing an important test during the pandemic period, as a result of the opening, which took place due to the decrease in the number of cases, unfortunately, the point we came to as a country in recent days has again reached critical case numbers. As of today, our number of cases exceeding 14 thousand continues with the full speed of current vaccinations. I would like to urge all our citizens to get their vaccinations from here as soon as possible. I would like to invite everyone to be sensitive to this issue, as our country's economy and artisans are not in a position to lift another shutdown," he said.

Aydin "I will convey the demands and problems of our members"

Dec August 1 and 2, as the island of Democracy and Freedoms, which has been restored by TOBB, I will participate in a regional economic consultation meeting with TOBB at the place that is in our political history, I will again express the demands and problems from you here. The configuration period related to our member dues continues. Members in arrears of dues to our room our room until the date of September 30, 2021 to pay debts, dues apply with a petition to the deletion of the condition of interest with their main benefit equal installments for 6 principal payments also can benefit from," he said.

Aydin, "We are continuing our Professional Certification studies"

Stating that the certification work for TUTSO members continues where it left off, President Aydin said, "In July, 6 of the professional qualification certificate exams that gallerists have to take. we performed it with TOBB MEYBEM. In addition, we also plan to conduct a professional qualification exam within our Realtors in the coming months. We are always open to requests for training and certification from you," he said.

Aydin "I wish Allah mercy to our citizen who lost his life in the flood disaster that occurred in Artvin and its surroundings last week, and I wish immediate healing to our injured citizens. I would like to wish our citizens who have suffered material damage after the disaster well and wish the wounds to be healed as soon as possible with the support of our state"