HABERLER  »  CHP Group Vice President Özgür Özel visits Tutso

CHP Group Vice President Özgür Özel visits Tutso

Saturday, January 16, 2021
Republican People's Party (CHP) Group Vice President Özgür Özel visited Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TUTSO).
CHP Group Deputy Chairman Özgür Özel visited Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Faruk Aydın in his office.
Tutso Chairman Faruk Aydin, who informed CHP Group Vice Chairman Özgür Özel about the work of Turgutlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, expressed his satisfaction with his visits by conveying the wishes of the members registered in the chamber and the difficulties they experienced.
CHP Group Deputy Chairman Özgür Özel stated that they followed Tutso's work with appreciation and that they worked continuously on the requests and complaints of tradesmen and businesses in the first place.
CHP Manisa Deputy Bekir Başevirgen, Turgutlu Mayor Çetin Akın, CHP Turgutlu District President Hüseyin Oğuz, CHP Ahmetli District President Halil Buran and TUTSO board members also took part in the visit.